Assistive Technology Adaptation
and Training (AT-AT) Laboratory

Early-Childhood Power Mobility (GoBabyGo)

Enabling Mobility Across Missouri

GoBabyGo is an international movement founded by Dr. Cole Galloway at University of Delaware. The University of Missouri chapter has built more than 50 cars as of 2024. Most of our builds go to kids right here in mid-Missouri, but we have also lead builds to teach others in St. Louis, Lake of the Ozarks, Omaha, Salt Lake City, and New Orleans. 

Interdiscipliary, Hands-on Education

Mizzou OT, PT, and Engineering students are welcome to join our GoBabyGo chapter! 

OT Students: Talk to Dr. Janes about EBP or Capstone opportunities

PT Students: Ask to join the GoBabyGo committee of the Student PT Organization

Engineering Students: Freshmen: Ask Dr. Melissa Collins about GoBabyGo in Engineering 1000. Seniors: Ask your capstone instructor(s) about potential projects.

Picture of a GoBabyGo research poster from 2018

Advancing the Science of GoBabyGo

The main focus of our GoBabyGo work right now is building toward a standardized, easy-to-use, client-centered evaluation battery. So far, the literature says GoBabyGo has positive impacts on children's physical, mental, and social development. But most of that literature relies on small, motivated samples and study-specific outcome measures. We are working with the GoBabyGo community to develop common outcome measures so we can all collaborate on more robust study designs. That way we can answer bigger questions with more confidence and make GoBabyGo as effective as possible for as many kids as possible!

Study Personnel

Hallie Comer

Maddie Croy

Jenna Jadlot

Annie Lakin

Savannah Lofland

Skylar Walk
