Assistive Technology Adaptation
and Training (AT-AT) Laboratory

Monitoring ALS Progression with in-Home Sensors

The AT-AT Lab is exploring the potential of in-home and wearable sensors to predict ALS progression and alert healthcare providers to changes in health status. Dr. Janes is principal investigator of two funded studies with collaborators at the Center to Stream Healthcare In-Place (C2SHIP) and the University of Missouri Healthcare ALS Treatment Center:

Predicting ALS Outcomes Based on Networked Passive Sensors
Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (DOD CDMRP) (ALS210017). $760,122

Passive In-Home and Wearable Sensors for Health Monitoring in ALS
ALS Association Assistive Technology Grant. $400,000

In The News

Mizzou Researchers are designing a system to alert caregivers when health changes are detected.

Study Personnel

Juliana Earwood, OTD, OTR/L
Research Coordinator

Sheila Marushak
Research Coordinator

Zachary Selby
Software Support Analyst - Specialist